Window Maintenance Tips and Tricks
What should you do to keep your windows and siding in good condition and make sure they last longer? You have to have them cleaned and maintained regularly. You also have to ensure they are free from pests and debris. Here’s what else can you do in keeping them in great shape.
Waxing and Scrubbing
The first thing that you need to do is to remove dust, dirt, and more from your siding and window using a soft brush. Also, you must scrub the stains and molds off your siding and windows using a solution of detergent and water. And you should do it at least once a week.
Cleaning Them
Cleaning your windows and siding is the easiest thing to do when it comes to keeping them in good condition. You can just use a vacuum or brush to remove dirt, dust, or cobwebs. You also have to wipe down your windows using a wet cloth so no dust will fall on your furniture and get on your skin.
Applying Some Sealants
If you want your windows to last longer and improve energy efficiency, you can apply some sealants. These sealants can repel water and help your windows resist stains and wear and tear. However, you should be careful when choosing the right sealant. You can ask the assistance of experts so they can help you choose the right one for your windows.
Trimming the Trees and Other Plants
Plants and trees growing around your home can thanklessly damage your windows, especially if they grow over your windows. You have to trim them to prevent them from harming your windows. You also have to be careful when cutting off branches because they can land on your windows which can cause leaks.
If you maintain your siding and windows regularly, you can keep them in excellent condition. If you need help, you can always count on Olympic Exteriors Siding and Windows. We provide excellent windows and siding services in St Peters, MO. If you have concerns or questions about our services, you can always contact us at (314) 283-7911 now!